The Patissier is probably the first in Singapore to introduce and popularize the Croquembouche as a celebration cake locally. But unlike the traditional Croquembouche where the profiteroles are typically coated in caramel or spun sugar, our versions are coated in chocolate so as to better adapt to the hot/humid environment.

Careme could not have conceived of his creation if it were not for Catherine of Medici, an Italian noblewoman who married the future King Henry II of France in 1547. When Catherine came to France from Italy, she brought her Chefs with her. Her Pastry Chef, named Panterelli, brought with him a recipe for a hot, dried dough known as Pate a Panterelli. Over the next centuries, Panterelli's dough was modified by French Pastry Chefs and, eventually, changed into a dough known as Pate a Choux (pastry of cabbages) because baked bits of this dough puffed up into hollow pastry shells resembling cabbages. Puffs made from this dough were filled with all kinds of sweet and savory fillings. In 1760, French Pastry Chef Avice filled Pate a Choux with pastry cream and called them Profiteroles. After the many historical transformations in this pastry from Pate a Panterelli to Pate a Choux to Profiteroles, in the late 18th century, Careme took Profiteroles to greater heights by using them to create his famous dessert, Croquembouche.
Croquembouche is as dazzling a dessert today as it was in the time of Careme. And we are happy to make this cake our own.
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