We get tagged
quite regularly by customers who post complimentary photos about our cakes. And this is the main motivation for us to keep going and always strive
to do better. Sales is important, of course. We be lying if we say we aren’t
doing this for the money. But we believe that if we continue to provide products
that customers will rave about, the money will take care of itself. A tad corny, but true.
Quality is the
reason why we do not increase the production of our Meringue beyond our current
daily maximum production. It is also why we will rather reject a customized
cake order if we feel that the dateline is too tight for us to do a good job.
Then again,
we are not without failings. We do get negative
feedbacks at times, although this is very much the exception rather than norm. And
we treat all negative feedbacks very seriously. If possible, we will attempt to recreate
the issue that customer has mentioned to investigate what might have caused it,
before providing the customer with an official explanation. And we
will not hesitate to provide the customer with fair restitution if the issue really arose during production
of our cakes.
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