For a start, it is not our business mission to piss off customer. Else we will already be out of business by now. And more often than not, we will try to accommodate customers' requests as best we can. Our regular customers will probably attest to this. However, we are also quite the stickler when comes to business policy. The imposition of an admin fee for change requests after an order is made is one example. We do know of cake shops that will absolutely not entertain changes or cancellations once the order is placed. For us, all change requests within 24 hours after an order is placed will be made without charge. An admin charge of $10.70 will apply for all such requests made after the 24 hour period. Our policy is clearly communicated on the main page of our website, i.e. prior to customer placing an order. The policy is also reflected on the order confirmation that customer will receive after an order is placed. However, we can only do so much in terms of communication. Whethe...
Random Musing by The Patissier LLP